Superclipping. Needs more research..
I was recently watching the progress with OpenLara on the 3DO and several people trying the alpha demo discovered sudden rare hickups/locks in the rendering. The original developer realized this was coming from the use of superclipping feature and that reminded me my recent discovery that feedback CEL textures with LRFORM flag will lock if superclipping on them is enabled while they cross certain edges of the screen. However, the developer of the port claims that the textures are regular 4bit palletized and not the 16bit framebuffer format. And the hick ups are rare there, if they were LRFORM then almost every frame would be locked to 1FPS. There is something wrong happening with the rendering of few CELs, as far as I know invalid CELs or other bugs can lock the rendering forever, and there is a timer value of exactly 1 second that can also be controlled from a function (but we don't need to), where if something went truly wrong and a DrawCel doesn't return at that time, the r